Foods for Lowering Blood Pressure in a Normal Way

The sedentary lifestyle of today is a major contributing factor in spiking the blood pressure. Certain dietary habits like relying on high sodium foods or fatty foods also perk up blood pressure. There is a strong need to add fresh fruits and vegetables in the daily diet to stay normal and live a healthy life.

Foods for lowering blood pressure

In addition to diet, exercise also helps to reduce blood pressure and keeps the cholesterol levels in check as well. Although eating a balanced or well proportioned diet is the key to have a healthy body which is fit and normal in every way, but there are certain foods that help in lowering the blood pressure of any person.

Blue Berries

Berries like blue berries and strawberries are an effective source of not only eating healthy but also lowering blood pressure. 


Likewise, oats contain a special fiber that helps to regulate blood pressure. 

Leafy Green

Leafy green vegetables like spinach, Lettuce, cabbage, and many others contain nitrate that manages and maintains blood pressure. 

Watermelon, Lentils and Pulses

Watermelon, lentils and pulses and yogurt contains an amino acid called nitrulline and proteins which helps to lower the blood pressure and maintain it within the normal range.


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